Memory tree

Memory tree
Holding the blossom on our Memory tree, a Pink Dogwood, to always remember the tiny life we lost.

Monday, July 19, 2010

150 Facebook fan giveaway!

Well, I finally did it! I've started my very own Blog for Labor Creations.

I've wanted to start a blog for Labor Creations for a while at the advice of a friend and fellow WAHM Nina of Shalom Mama. I plan to blog on new products, giveaways and sales, but much more importantly I want to blog about pregnancy, birth and postpartum care from the perspective of just a mom.

So now that I've introduced my blog a bit, I'll get down to business. I've promised for a while now to do a nice giveaway when I reached 150 fans on my Facebook page and I made that goal last week! The items up for grabs are a couple of custom Cooling Scarves from my Store.

Cooling Scarves are rather simple, remarkable little things that can do a world of good. They are commonly made for soldiers and sent overseas to show support for troops. I first decided to make these because I remember how much a cool rag on my forehead helped me as I was struggling in the transition phase of labor with my daughter. These look nice, and they don't have to be re-wet between each contraction, therefore allowing your support person to focus more on you and not re-wetting a wash cloth every 2 minutes.

After making 120 (that's a LOT of scarves) for a local fair on the 4th of July, I started wearing one on these hot West Texas summer days. I must say, I really like them. My husband has even worn them. We stored a few in the cooler last week while camping, and they were life savers in the heat of the day. Especially the first day, when the pool was closed and we didn't know it.

How do they work you ask? That is the most common question I get asked. My scarves are filled with Polyacrylamide crystals (AKA water polymer crystals) that were first invented as a way to preserve water in gardens. These tiny little things start out looking like sea salt and then expand up to 500 times their original size when soaked in water. After you soak the scarf, the casing that holds the crystals stays plump and moist all day. Literally, all day. In fact I have one that was soaked over a week ago and the crystals are just now turning back to solid form. They are re-usable, hand-washable and I have many fabrics available.

Cooling scarves are great anytime you're outside, hot, sticky, or otherwise needing to cool down. In fact I've had more than one customer keep them in a cooler by their bed for night sweats.

Scarves sell in my Store for $6.00 + $1.00 shipping for the first one, $.50 for each additional scarf.

So now that you know more about them, how about winning one??? Leave a comment here to enter the drawing, I will draw two winners using on Thursday July 22nd. Please make sure your email address is visible in your post, example; jamie [at] laborcreations [dot] com

Extra entries;

*Follow my new blog :)

*Suggest new friends to my Fanpage

*Post about Labor Creations on YOUR facebook, and post here with the link

Please leave a seperate post for each entry!!